
Showing posts from March, 2019

Evoke Change in Teaching and Learning via Voki

(Source: Pixabay) Often when I wanted to post about what to do before the next class or assign any homework to my students on the Facebook group, I ended up writing really long posts. Obviously, I was aware of the fact that long posts are quite off-putting, but I did not know what to do or how else to make the announcement or instruction concise when I had so much to explain.  I considered making videos to give the instructions a lot of times, but I never ended up doing that because of two reasons. Firstly, I was too camera shy and secondly, I did not want my students to feel like, "Oh come on! We are not having video lectures now, are we?!" After all, who wants to see their teachers' face and listen to their voice again after a long day at school? Imagine, if these videos contained a chipmunk speaking in its cute chipmunk-y voice, would it not be fun to watch? Watching videos recorded by the teacher inside and outside the class can be very interesting, if teac

Teaching in Cahoots with Kahoot

(Source: Pixabay) It is a well-known fact that quizzes are terrifying as well as nerve-wrecking for students. For teachers, it is a dull affair. Every teacher fantasises about designing a quiz that will be so enjoyable for their students that they will be entirely engaged in it with a smile on their face. Although making a regular quiz that interesting may not be anything more than a fantasy, but with the help of Kahoot you can certainly turn that fantasy into reality within minutes! Kahoot requires teachers to use the computer and projector screen to initiate the quiz and requires students to use their mobile phones and the internet to participate in the quiz which helps learners to come out of the traditional classroom setting and develop their mobile literacy (Hockly, 2015, p. 83). What is Kahoot ? Kahoot is mainly an online platform for creating game based and multiple choice quizzes that can be used in class to review lessons, assess vocabulary knowledge and conduct