
Showing posts from January, 2019

WebQuests: Learners' Learning Expeditions

[Source: Pixabay] Who would not like to retreat from daily monotonous classroom activities and put on an imaginary costume of a brave sailor and sail their ship through the blue ocean to a mysterious island with the desire of exploring hidden treasures? Could learning ever be that fun? Imagine, if learning were as enjoyable as travelling to another country, if group work were as thrilling as embarking on an adventure, if class activities were as interesting as solving mysteries, would learners still find school boring? Absolutely not! That is exactly what a WebQuest does. It makes learning more interesting and enjoyable.  What is a WebQuest? (Source: WebQuests are online learning resources that can make learning easier and delightful since they include interesting activities that require learners to collect information and conduct their research online.  WebQuests are valuable language learning platforms since they facilitate language learning

All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy: Triptico to the Rescue

[Source: "The Shining" movie (1980)] How many times have you heard of the aforementioned proverb? Many of us first came across the expression while watching one of the best movies in the history of cinema, The Shining (1980). Well, who could forget the famous and eerily fascinating scene where Shelley Duvall, who plays the role of Jack Nicholson's wife in the movie, makes a chilling discovery that her writer husband has filled up pages after pages writing 10 words over and over again and those are, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"! Never fails to give the chills, right? If you are a teacher by profession, then you most definitely have recognized the underlying significance of this expression many times in your life. "All work" during class time may not always turn learners into dull boys and girls, but it most certainly makes the lesson tedious and monotonous. A little play can surely create a huge difference and get

Why Ozge Karaoglu's Blog is a Must-Read for Teachers?

It is a universally accepted truth that, teachers are busy people. They spend a large amount of time in teaching, grading, researching and various academic work. Apparently, they do not have enough time to go through educational blogs and find out what interests them or is useful for them or their classrooms in particular. Unlike many other educational blogs, Ozge Karaoglu's blog is time-efficient and worth giving a shot. It does not only share regular posts related to teaching, but also shares many tech-related innovations that can work as effective tools in classrooms. The blog is a much updated one since the most recent post was published on January 4, 2019. Layout and Navigation The first feature that anyone would notice on Karaoglu's blog is the eye-catching layout. It is a nicely organised blog which has neatly assembled blog posts arranged in order. The initial impression that readers get when they come across this blog is that it can be easily operated