Why Ozge Karaoglu's Blog is a Must-Read for Teachers?

It is a universally accepted truth that, teachers are busy people. They spend a large amount of time in teaching, grading, researching and various academic work. Apparently, they do not have enough time to go through educational blogs and find out what interests them or is useful for them or their classrooms in particular. Unlike many other educational blogs, Ozge Karaoglu's blog is time-efficient and worth giving a shot. It does not only share regular posts related to teaching, but also shares many tech-related innovations that can work as effective tools in classrooms. The blog is a much updated one since the most recent post was published on January 4, 2019.

Layout and Navigation

The first feature that anyone would notice on Karaoglu's blog is the eye-catching layout. It is a nicely organised blog which has neatly assembled blog posts arranged in order. The initial impression that readers get when they come across this blog is that it can be easily operated since the navigation system is user-friendly and easy to understand.

Language and Pictures 

Moreover, each of the blog posts on Karaoglu's blog has catchy titles that intrigue the readers to read the posts, such as- "Androdify Yourself", "Solvemoji", "Reverse Dictionary", "Youglish", "Writing Sparks" etc. Furthermore, the blog posts are brief and concise in nature that make the writings readable since they are not time-consuming. The blogger also uses an interpersonal connotation and lucid language that do not require readers to read the posts word by word or put any significant effort while reading. The posts are usually accompanied by colorful and relevant pictures as well as short animation or GIF.

Target Audience

As far as I can understand, this blog has been designed keeping young-learner teachers in mind, since many of the posts suggest that the techniques or materials are fit to be used for kids. However, if used in a classroom of beginner level adult learners, the resources could work in an effective manner as well. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that this blog is dedicated to teachers in general which the author herself said in her introductory comments. 

A Guide for Future Teacherpreneurs

To sum up, Ozge Karaoglu's blog is an attractive, well-organized, user-friendly and time-efficient blog for teachers that include a number of blog posts written on various teaching resources and tech-materials. This blog is a good teaching resource in itself and can help the teachers in making their teaching enjoyable. As the author herself mentioned, this is an award winning blog which can guide teachers to become "teacherpreneurs". Therefore, it is a must-read for all teachers.


  1. This review covers all the key information in detail, the catchy titles in Ozge's blog sound very interesting. I am not a young learner teacher but it is useful to know where to find resources if I ever needed to!

    1. Thank you so much, Sundeep! Glad you liked it.

  2. Hi Marwa, I love your blog so far! I particularly like the fact that you have taken time to introduce yourself with a photo in the 'About Me' section. I'm happy to see that you intend to make this blog a tool for your personal benefit even after the module and assessment is over! Your writing style is friendly and easy to read which is just right for a blog. My only suggestion for future posts is to use subheadings so that your paragraphs can be grasped more easily - as you say teachers are busy people so anything to make the reading task easier is great!

    1. Thank you so much Tilly for your feedback! I am glad that you liked it and next time I will keep your suggestion in mind.

  3. Hi, Marwa. The introduction of Ozge Karaoglu's blog is very logical which has helped me a lot understand Karaoglu's blog. You have explained your understanding of his blog from many angles. I like your blog and I want to learn more from you.

    1. Thank you so much, Shuting. Glad that you liked it.

  4. Haven't gone through much. Will just a simple "Hi, I'm here." be appreciated?
    All the best.


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